The world’s richest man posted or amplified inaccurate claims about the bill’s provisions for congressional salaries, a football stadium and biological research.
A Republican backlash to the speaker’s plan to temporarily fund the government has sparked new talk of ousting him, and highlighted the challenges he...
La oposición del presidente electo Donald Trump al proyecto de ley bipartidista prácticamente ha enterrado ese acuerdo, a dos días de expirar la financiación...
President-elect Donald J. Trump’s denunciation of a bipartisan spending bill all but buried that deal while leaving unclear what form a new agreement could...
A group of Democratic lawmakers accused Georgia Pathways to Coverage, the only Medicaid work requirement program in the country, of spending little of its...
The mammoth year-end federal funding measure congressional leaders agreed on does far more than just keep the government running. It is stuffed with all...
Mandates in the annual appropriations act, passed on Wednesday, call for the Pentagon to track and mitigate risks to troops’ brains from firing their...